Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This is my favorite picture
This pictures is from http://www.artakiane.com/akiane_art.htm

…The maze and the challenge of the choices. The light is ahead for the journey to continue safely.But because of hunger, exhaustion, the hunger, the cold and the shadows the horse is losing its focus. The blue is the color of the mind, therefore I painted the shadows blue to create a mental challenge,the confusion. The challenge for the tired horse is which direction to choose. This is an allegory about our choices…
***…When I brought this painting to my printer, we both thought that because I’d used just a few colors, it would be the easiest to make the reproductions from. But it turned out to be the hardest. It turned out to be the true challenge.I doubt it was a coincidence…

1 comment:

Ms. Katherine Wheeler said...

Nice Web site.

I also gave you extra credit for adding Akiana's site.