Saturday, March 24, 2007

John Eliot (baptized 5 August 1604 - 21 May 1690) is one of the many colonial immigrants who would find a religious purpose for their life in the New World. Eliot was born in a small village near London,England. Widford, Hertfordshire, England.

James Hudson Taylor (May 21, 1832 – June 3, 1905), was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China, and founder of the China Inland Mission (CIM) (now OMF International) who served there for 51 years, bring over missionaries to the country and personally baptizing an estimated 50,000 converts. He was known for his commitment to cultural sensitivity, wearing native Chinese clothing even though this was rare among missionaries of that time.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Age of Chinese Communist Party

Fifty years ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) relied on the support and trust of Chinese people to defeat the Kuomintang-Nationalists and establish the People's Republic of China. It promised protection of human rights for generations to come. The CCP promised that in a short time the land would be distributed equally, which attracted peasants in large number. Their numerous promises appealed to large numbers of salaried workers.

The CCP used its support among workers and peasants to overpower ruthlessly those few who opposed its rule. According to still-incomplete CCP statistics, suppression of opponents and land reform claimed the lives of millions of people. The CCP rapidly consolidated its single-party autocracy. It won support and blind faith among the majority of the Chinese people and rendered the leadership immune to calls for more rational and just policies. However, the CCP could not possibly make good on all of its promises. To practice the ideals of communism, it implemented state ownership of land by force.

For the first thirty years, this group relied on the ideals of communism to attack the policies of China's Communist rulers. Twenty years ago, people began to oppose the one-party dictatorship openly. The ideals of the Democracy Wall became a new banner with which to protest oppression and pursue liberty. Even if we say that creating extreme dissatisfaction among the people was the most important result of Mao's communism, we still can't say that it completely lacked legality. But Deng and his successors' have hung up a sheep's head to sell dog meat. They have used Communist slogans to disguise the bureaucratic capitalism they have created. This is completely unjust.